A quick roundup of the latest interviews and articles our team has contributed to:
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Has the Cloud Matured?
By Jeff Clark, The Data Center Journal Magazine
At the heart of the cloud is a swirling mixture of promise, hype and concern. As more companies have turned to this technology and studies have supported it, however, the important question has changed from whether the cloud will mature to when it will mature. To some extent, the answer to this question is blurred by differing definitions of maturity. A mature technology isn’t necessarily perfect—but it has reached enough of its potential to compete with other technologies pursuing similar goals. With that broad definition in mind, what is the current state of the cloud?
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[Video] What is OpenStack and what is its role in open source cloud computing?
In an effort to commoditize the world of open source cloud computing, Red Hat is throwing their weight behind OpenStack in the same way they threw their weight behind Linux over a dozen years ago. But what is OpenStack, who is behind it, how can it be used and are any organizations of significant size and stature that are actually using it in production? These are the questions we posed to Noam Shendar, Zadara’s vice president of business development. Watch video >
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Interview with Noam Shendar from Zadara Storage
RafStack: Rafael Knuth OpenStack Blog
Dell: Noam, can you go ahead and tell us about Zadara Storage?
Noam Shendar: Zadara Storage was the very first storage company to join OpenStack back in 2011. We’ve been closely involved ever since. Our storage is actually based on OpenStack with OpenStack Nova inside our product. We are using Nova to create enterprise storage for service providers, to allow them to sell high-end storage services to their customers – storage that looks and behaves like enterprise storage, but has all the beneficial attributes of cloud storage: flexibility, elasticity and of course low price. We provide the storage elements supporting both traditional and new applications, which means very high levels of quality of service, like high performance, high reliability and again, the flexibility and elasticity that everybody expects from cloud storage. Continue reading >
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Enterprise Grade Cloud Enabled by the Ecosystem
By Ofir Nachmani, CloudAve
While investing in building new data centers all over the world and creating the management overlay in order to be able to sell their hardware, IaaS operators are also relying on their ecosystem to support the evolving enterprises that go to the cloud (e.g. the “Enterprise Grade Cloud”). API First – The move to the cloud pushes the data center to re-invent itself within the new environment. It is a fact that, although the cloud is a pure revolution (at least in MHO), terms such as SLA, TCO and ROI are still valid in this new IT era. Thanks to industry leaders such as Salesforce.com that realize the notion of “API first”, vendors such Amazon cloud present new capabilities first through their APIs. In this way, the cloud operator platform enables development of its ecosystem. Continue reading >