Zadara Storage at AWS Summit San Francisco 2014

We’re excited to head out to AWS Summit in San Francisco this week! It’s always an exciting event packed with technology innovation, great discussions and new connections.

Zadara Storage will be in booth #613 as well as joining NetApp in booth #112 – you can learn all about our activities at the summit in our newsletter below. You can join our mailing list by placing your address in the form below, and be first to hear of our upcoming events, new features and global locations.


Looking forward to see you in San Francisco!


Zadara Stroage at AWS Summit SF – Booth # 613

At the AWS Summit SF, we’ll be showcasing our SAN and NAS as a Service Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA™) solution, latest features and expanding global hub locations. Join us in booth #613 to see live demos, start a free trial or chat with members of our stellar team!
Zadara Storage at NetApp booth #112

We will also be demoing the Zadara elastic NetApp® Private Storage (eNPS) for AWS (or how we colloquially call it: NetApp by the hour) in the NetApp booth between 11:00-1:30pm. 

Zadara Storage eNPS is priced as low as $0.16/GB/month and includes all NetApp features, such as Snapshots, Snapshot Copies and SnapMirror. It works with existing NetApp tools, scripts and workflows and customers can SSH into their private instance of Data ONTAP.  Participants attending our eNPS demo will be able to win an Amazon Kindle – at 1:00pm sharp!

Photo by Ellsworth Bell

Zadara Storage helps Farm Intelligence2 build Petascale Big Data analytics in AWS cloud

Big Data repository & high-performance analytics help farmers get better yield
Learn how Zadara Storage is helping Farm Intelligence2 build ‘Big Data for Crops’ analytics service in the AWS Cloud. Growing by 10TB per week, Farm Intelligence2application converts Aerial Scout data on potential crop stressors, including moisture, minerals, weeds, pests, gaps, and height variability, into actionable insights to help farmers improve farm yields.There is literally no other storage platform that could have handled our needs except Zadara”Farm Intelligence2 is using Zadara as the centerpiece of a new software platform and analytics storage architecture with the elasticity, enterprise-grade features and high QoS that lets the company stay focused on helping farmers find opportunities to increase their yield, instead of the minutiae of managing a storage architecture.
“It would have taken at least three full-time employees to manage and deploy the storage that we neatly hand off to Zadara and obtain ‘as a service.” 

 – Steve Kickert, CTO at Farm Intelligence2



100TB to the cloud! Special offer

Migrating to the cloud has never been easier! Register before the end of the month, and move 100TB to Zadara VPSA or eNPS at AWS US – for free, anytime this year.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!Your Zadara Storage team.
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