
Make Television Limited improves performance, security, and data integrity.

With the help of Zadara service provider partner BASE Media Cloud, Make Television Limited improved the performance, security, and data integrity of its cloud-based live video production system.

About the company.

Make Television Limited offers cloud-based live video production. They offer an ideal platform for news, sports, entertainment, and e-sports.

The challenge.

Producing the annual McLaren Autosport BRDC Award for Haymarket Publishing’s Autosport magazine meant Make Television needed to implement high performance work flows to streamline their media storage and global file distribution for a series of high-quality big screen event films. With expecta-tions as high as ever for ground-breaking video visuals for the big screen event, Make Television Limited worked with a team of expert location and post production crew, using the latest in available technology. The new toys included an Octocopter Drone unit complete with a GH4 4K camera, multiple 4K GoPro onboard cameras and a brand new Arri Amira hand-held unit for capturing beautiful trackside action shots.

The solution.
BASE Media Cloud recommends Zadara.

BASE Media Cloud provided a high speed, global file distribution hub built around Zadara cloud NAS, directly integrated with Signiant Media S Shuttle file acceleration software. The solution is securely hosted with Vodafone in the UK and plugged into the global Vodafone network for project stakeholders to access from anywhere in the world.

Over two days in chilly October, the crew shot over 1.5 Terabytes of high-quality media, which was subsequently backed up to BASE Media Cloud via a high-speed fibre connection in London.

Once in post production, lead Editor Theo Cowen was responsible for managing the ingest and editing of all media assets from a multitude of sources. High quality HD race footage and additional media for other VT edits was uploaded and shared by international partners via BASE Media Cloud’s hosted Signiant Media Shuttle platform, directly to high-speed cloud storage. All media assets were tracked and audited throughout the post production process and were available securely to the authorised team members seamlessly over standard business broadband connections. Upon completion of the films, the final mastered files are delivered via the same BASE Media Cloud hosted Signiant Media Shuttle platform, in full HD quality to the live event technical team ready for digital projection.

With Zadara, BASE enabled us to receive, store and share 4K rushes and HD footage of international motor racing series into one simple cloud platform at super fast speeds.
Kevin Chapman
Executive Producer | Make Television Limited
The results.
Meeting budgets and schedules.

As a true pay-per-use solution, BASE Media Cloud provided an enterprise-grade cloud service for Make Television Limited, which would have cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to implement themselves, for just a fraction of the cost, whilst also working in line with their project’s budget structure.

Make Television Limited are able to receive, store and share entire HD race highlight packages and additional media files from contributors around the world including Formula One, WRC, NASCAR and more. In addition, all raw footage, including 4K drone material and Arri Amira HD Prores material is stored securely with 3-way mirrored copies, all in the original file formats. The solution speeds up production, post production and distribution whilst simultaneously increasing the security and data integrity of media assets.

BASE Media Cloud was able to leverage the Zadara storage cloud architecture to provide a comprehensive solution to Make Television Limited. Key markets such as media and entertainment have requirements that align well with Zadara’s Enterprise Storage as a Service (STaaS) solution. The need for high-performance storage that can be shared globally, in a highly secure and reliable solution can be easily resolved with the Zadara architecture. Additionally, the project-based nature of the media and entertainment market make the Zadara OpEx business model very attractive. Users only need to pay for the storage they use and when the project or event is concluded, they can release the capacity they no longer need and only pay for what is needed – a winning solution for all!