LG solves its storage cost and security challenges with Zadara

LG Electronics has set itself apart as a market leader and innovator in home appliances, energy, IT, and automobiles. But when it comes to data storage, the company has priorities much like the rest of us – it values security, cost efficiency, and ease of use. 

Public cloud seemed like the answer. But LG found its public cloud storage costs unpredictable. And the company had security concerns around how the cloud platform disposal of physical drives it stored sensitive data on. 

Enter Zadara – who else? – and our zStorage service, built in the cloud to deliver enterprise-grade block, file, and object storage in a single platform. A true as-a-service solution, zStorage brings LG predictable costs, dedicated resources with traceable drives, and seamless integration with its other public cloud resources.

Click below for the full customer story with LG. Or read some of the highlights below.

——- Read the case study ——–

Better than public cloud on storage costs

LG Electronics wanted to use block and file storage for high-performance data analysis and sharing. But after a trial with public cloud storage, costs proved higher than expected.

After moving to Zadara zStorage, LG benefited from:

  • Simpler, more intuitive pricing compared to its public cloud solution
  • Clearer budget forecasts because costs are more predictable

At the same time, zStorage resources can integrate seamlessly with resources from AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. So there’s no need to choose between Zadara or public cloud – you can pick the best option for each use case.

Secure disposal with dedicated, segregated drives

To keep its data secure, LG needs to verify that data it deletes is fully and properly disposed of. The company has a policy of:

  • Being able to trace physical drives the company uses
  • Physically destroying retired drives, rather than putting data at risk by allowing other public cloud customers to use then

LG’s public cloud provider couldn’t meet these requirements – but with dedicated storage resources, Zadara can.

zStorage offers dedicated storage resources that ensure full data storage visibility. And as an added advantage, dedicated resources also deliver consistent, predictable storage performance.

Weighing up your storage options?

There’s a broad shift to cloud going on, but that doesn’t mean public cloud is always the answer.

Read our customer story with LG for more detail on why they moved to zStorage, or [link:] contact us to discuss how Zadara could meet your use case.

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Zadara Team

Since 2011, Zadara’s Edge Cloud Platform (ZCP) simplifies operational complexity through automated, end-to-end provisioning of compute, storage and network resources.

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