Optimize your Backup and DR Strategy Based on your Data

With data getting larger and larger, it is increasingly difficult to manage. Last week we recognized World Backup Day. For ten years running, March 31 has served as a reminder to replicate your business critical assets to protect against potential deletion, misuse or malice.

We’ve seen the changes in how we work over the last year, with more at home and distributed employees than ever before. With this, World Backup Day takes on new meaning for those tasked with disaster recovery. For many organizations, the move to remote work adds great complexity to their backup and DR strategy, making it harder to back up as often and having one remote copy of your data.

The increase in ransomware attacks, unexpected power outages and natural disasters serve as a regular reminder of the risks our data could be up against. A single ransomware attack causes businesses an average of 18 days of downtime.

Of those companies that suffer catastrophic data loss 94% do not recover. According to Gartner, those that rely on tapes for backup, 50% fail to restore. A reliable backup is also essential for many organizations for compliance.

So how are organizations adapting? Zadara’s VP of Partner Marketing, Doug Jury, joined our MSP partner NIFINIT’s Jeremy Fitzpatrick to discuss just this. Knowing what you are protecting is essential to putting a business protection plan in place. Checkout this conversation with Doug and Jeremy on the questions to ask before building or assessing your backup and DR gameplan.

In this Video you will learn how to:

  • Prioritize and rank your data based on risk and RPO and RTO requirements
  • Evaluate the opportunity cost of data loss and/or downtime
  • Resource plan and futureproofing your strategy, including a solution that will scale
  • Think about your customer and user experience in the case of a disaster

Thank you to our partner NFINIT for facilitating this discussion. To learn more about Zadara and NIFINIT for backup and DR checkout our recent webinar “Foolproof Backup” on Backup-as-a-Service with Object Storage.

To learn more about Zadara’s backup and DR solutions, including 100%-OpEx, Multi-Tier Backup for Veeam visit https://www.zadara.com/solutions/veeam-backup/.

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Zadara Team

Since 2011, Zadara’s Edge Cloud Platform (ZCP) simplifies operational complexity through automated, end-to-end provisioning of compute, storage and network resources.

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